If you are able to use a blank sheet of paper and a pen/ pencil, use the paper to draw the images you created for memory boosters. 如果允许你用白纸和笔来做辅助,尽管在纸上画些帮助提振记忆的图。
No pages in the property sheet due to low memory. Close some windows or programs. 由于内存不足,在属性工作表上没有页面了。请关闭一些窗口或程序。
And in the last test, the students had to copy a complex drawing onto a sheet of paper, and then sketch the drawing from memory. 在最后测试过程中,那些学生必须复制一组复杂的画到一张纸上,然后凭记忆素描下那幅画。
The fact that climatic information can be reserved in marginal ice of ice sheet indicates that the conclusion that ice crystal growth rate can be influenced by ice surface temperature memory also applied to marginal ice of ice sheet. 气候变化信息在冰盖边缘仍然保存这一事实说明,冰晶生长速率主要受冰面温度储存记忆影响这一结论也适用于冰盖边缘。
The paper points out that in order to make the dummy discrete data sheet, it is necessary to setup increment modulator and delay memory, along with the function of convolution. 文章指出,为了制取这张虚拟的离散数据表,需要有△增量调制器和延时存储器的设置以及卷积运算的功能。